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graduation day + my 5 favorite books from high school

Posted by amarapappas7

One of my main goals for this blog is to be able to look back on my posts as sort of diary entries, recounting big days and moments in my life, especially throughout college. With that said, one of the most important days of a student’s life is graduation day! I’ll admit, it definitely lost a bit of its grandeur this year, seeing as we were basically done with high school 4 months ago, but it was still nice to set aside a day and be proud of the past 12(ish) years. I took some pictures throughout the day so that I’d have kinda a casual “day in my life” type post, and I also figured this would be a good time to highlight 5 of my favorite books I’ve read in the last 4 years!

june 19, 2020

I started off the day with one of my favorite breakfasts, broiled grapefruit. I’ve basically been alternating between that and cereal since quarantine started. It’s super easy to make, all you have to do is half a grapefruit, put either brown or raw sugar on top, and broil it in the oven. (And sometimes you can get a picture that looks like a smiley face :))

I had literally nothing else to do before graduation so I decided to give myself a little spa day! From left to right, these are the products I used!

My favorite time of any day is getting ready and doing my makeup. Since quarantine started, there’s really been no need to put on much makeup at all, and I love planning outfits and makeup looks, so I was super excited to have an event to get ready for. I knew I wanted a classic white sundress graduation look, so I went with this one from Aerie and Urban Outfitters wedges. Our graduation was completely outside on a June night, so I tried to wear as little makeup as possible, but I wanted a clean look with light pink blush and lip gloss (I used this cream blush that I got in my Birchbox and LOVE).

Hi, this is Jack. I have virtually no make up experience, but what I will say is that skin care, as I have been told, is “important”. In my opinion, meh. But, you do you. -Jack

And then it was time!!! These are just a few of my favorite pictures from the evening, it was pretty much the first time in months I got to spend some time with friends!! We had to get the classic grad pics in the backyard and some post-ceremony pictures, and afterwards we went as a family to get some ice cream.

I realized the other day that I went through my last day of high school without even knowing it. Like, it’s a day that so many students picture for years, and since the end of junior year, I’ve found myself looking at a lot of events as “lasts”. Not in a sad way (because I don’t think I could be more excited about moving on to college), but just in a sentimental way. I honestly don’t remember much about that day, but it was a Thursday, so the last thing I did in high school was have improv practice. Looking back, I don’t think I could’ve chosen anything more perfect than that to have as my last thing. I enjoyed high school, but halfway through senior year, I was very ready to leave. While there were definitely disappointments with school ending early, I for sure don’t mind the few extra months of relaxation and college prep (assuming we actually get to move in :))

my top 5 books from the last 4 years

I used to be much more of a reader than I am now, I always had my face in a book and carried one around with me EVERYWHERE. I love finding a new world of a book to just get engulfed in. As hard as it was to narrow down the list, I decided on these 5 books as my most memorable books from high school.

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee – I really don’t think this one needs much explaining, but as a freshman in high school, this book was one of the first “classics” I’ve ever read and it introduced me to so many other works of literature. Especially for the political and social climate right now, this book is as good of a read as it is important.

Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry – I’ve taken French since 8th grade, and I plan to study it even further in college. I learned about The Little Prince in French 2 and it kept popping up in my life. This past year, a small group of us were creating an “interp” version in theatre pre-corona, and my French teacher gifted me a copy for graduation. The story explores the loss of childlike optimism in adults and teaches true ideals of love and friendship. It makes me smile every time 🙂

The Giver by Lois Lowry – I have read this book like 3 times. It’s a dystopian story without all the love-triangle-y drama (not that I don’t love a good YA romance). The ending is very open and perfect for a good literature discussion (my favorite part of English class 🙂

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell – Literally one of the only nonfiction books I have actually genuinely enjoyed (also one of the only summer readings I enjoyed haha)!! Gladwell outlines similarities in success stories, and points out all of the inter-workings that must come together to create success. As a high schooler going into junior year, this book helped me learn to work intentionally towards my goals.

Turtles All The Way Down by John Green – I have read most John Green books but this one is definitely my favorite. I think it’s a very important read for any young adult because it explores different mental health issues that can effect a person’s life. Whether it’s for you or someone close to you, theres a lot to be learned about how to deal with mental health issues, and this book is a great start.

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